AnaMaria Samaniego

Esmeralda 29 x 21 by AnaMaria Samaniego

Print Maker Artists and Arts

Printmaking is a form of expression that has evolved from the effort to connect with the masses to a form of expression.

The act of the artists mark on a Matrix; be it metal such as copper for Intaglio, the screen of serigraphy, a multilevel surface of collagraph, relief works like woodblocks or linocut and even the paint manipulation on a plexiglass called Monotype, leaves a unique extension of the artists intent and the character of the medium.

Printmaking thus is another outlet for Artists.

It is a media highly dependent on a value system or tones for the soul of the artwork and a visual based on Graphics; an immediacy of impact upon the viewer.

Color does not get left behind, especially with Printmakers highly sensitive to the impact of hue and the range that can be expressed in these matrixes.

Artists highly accomplished in 2-Dimensional rendering find this medium as an extension of drawing, painting and sculpting all wrapped into one medium, Printmaking.

Artists of Santa Fe, NM can help connect you with your favorite artist.

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